From roof top to ground mount. Making your own electricity can not only save you money, but in some cases can make you money. That’s right, you can ultimately create an income with state programs that provide incentives for home owners to generate their own electricity. Want to help you OWN your system. Don’t give all of the money and credits away, keep them for yourself. Our industry experts can walk you through the complex applications and qualifications to get you the maximum financial benefit from your system.
Want the benefit of Solar Savings without installing your own system? Find out how you can save with our community solar partner.
It’s easy……
- Determine your savings
- SunStatement connects you with a Community Solar Field
- Start saving money with your next bill
Why partner with SunStatement
- SunStatement helps you reduce your utility costs
- SunStatement pairs you with the perfect solar partner
- SunStatement protects you from escalating costs
- SunStatement is your trusted solar partner