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From complex project development to community solar. We Deliver!

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Renewable Power for a Sustainable Future

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Developing properties to maximize revenue requires a multifaceted approach. Developing large solar projects is a specialty that requires attention to detail, and a commitment to bring it to the finish line. Our specialists control and orchestrate the process of development from beginning to end. From initial conception to commercial operation. We handle all aspects of the system development including all Ministerial and Discretionary permits. We work with you through the process with ease using a flexible approach that allows us to maintain a high return on investment.

Electricity Sales

Looking to buy Solar Electricity?

Zero-Point sells the electricity generated by its solar projects directly to buyers by, “Virtual Net Metering.” Basically, solar farms generate electricity credits that are like groupons. Zero-Point sells electricity credit groupons which you can use to pay your electric bills with your Utility.

Why Buy Virtual Net Metering Credits?

Because Zero-Point designs, develops, engineers and installs solar farms internally, net metering credits can be sold at a substantial discount to the Utilities market rates.


Have a rooftop or piece of land perfect for solar?

Zero-Point can lease or purchase land from landowners for installing solar. Please contact us to learn more.

Similar lease options exist for rooftop projects as well! Please contact us to learn more.

Investment Strategies

We provide general information on various forms of solar financing structures for our clients and the the solar tax benefits.

Investment Tax Credit and other cash incentives

We offer information on suggested tax-savings opportunities that clients can implement by investing in solar PV.

Contact our office today to learn more and get started.

Our Development Services Include: